Happy Father's Day (Learn Which Phrase is Written 365 Times in the Bible!)

Fear Not

Is written 365 times in the Bible! Every day you are reminded to fear not... God’s got a great plan for you.

God wants you to live in trust! 

Be fearless in your pursuit of love and in pursuit of a life with purpose and divine guidance. 

We have a Father in Heaven that loves us exactly as we are! He dwells within us, He is our biggest fan and wants to guide us to our best and brightest self.

As defined: Emmanuel means

God is with you
God is in you
God is for you

Today we celebrate our earthly fathers! Thank you fathers for standing solid in love, holding us in time of need, and reminding us how great we are.

 Happy Father’s Day! The world needs you, the children need you! You are our reminder of unconditional love and you teach us how to be fearless! 

Today we celebrate YOU!







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