Our Lady of Lourdes


Our Lady of Lourdes the patroness of the sick and protection against diseases.

Feast Day: February 11

“I do not promise you happiness in this world, but in the next.”

—Our Lady of Lourdes 

Our Lady of Lourdes knows deeply our desire for happiness and freedom from sorrows.  It is often difficult to walk through the "valley of tears," yet as we walk through the valley with Jesus, genuine hope springs forth.  In His sacred heart, the true happiness of the Eternal Kingdom reflects and infuses our soul with supernatural peace.

St. Bernadette

Virtue: Humility Feast Day: April 16

St. Bernadette was admired for her humility and complete sacrifice to God. As a young teenager, she was visited by Our Lady, who appeared to her near a grotto. Many did not believe the young Bernadette until she was told by Our Lady to “drink of the water of the spring...” the next day, the muddy waters of the grotto became clear and fresh. Pilgrims travel to receive miracles from the Lourdes water to this day.
Dear Jesus, create in me a deep passion to follow You. Allow me to see Your desires for Your children who may be scattered and away from You. Ignite in me the desire to pray faithfully the rosary, like St. Bernadette, and to trust Your Holy will for me. Amen.