Blessed is She | The Power of Prayer Partners

Blessed is She | The Power of Prayer Partners

We are so happy to share with you a Blessed is She Blog that is very close to our hearts! 

The promising sunshine eased my nerves as my Uber dropped me off at the first Blessed is She retreat in 2016. Uncertain of what to expect, I was handed girly welcome swag accompanied with a flower crown to break the ice.

As I signed in, I struck up conversation with a fellow blonde nurse with big framed glasses named Bridget. I would have never guessed the beautiful long term, cross country friendship that would follow.

Finding Friends Can Be Hard…

We agreed to sit together, as we both journeyed to the retreat alone.

The morning was filled with prayerful exercises, conversations, praise and worship, and opportunities to socialize with the women at the retreat.

…This Made it Easier

Our gift bags included prayer partner bracelets generously provided by My Saint My Hero. In turn, we were challenged to adopt the role of “prayer partner” to someone sitting near us. Without question, Bridget and I agreed to the role for one another, pledging to hold one another accountable in prayer past the highs of the retreat. We agreed to wear our prayer partner bracelets each day as a reminder of our commitment to pray for one another and to check on one another.

We went on to share meals, absorb the truths that the Holy Spirit was speaking to our hearts, and soak in the palpable sisterhood within the room before the day came to an end.

Prayer Partners Across the Country

Our time away from Tempe grew longer and longer, but my friendship with Bridget was only beginning.

We spoke nearly weekly, sharing our struggles, our discoveries, and the fruits of our lives. Little did we know, God placed us in one another’s paths right when we needed it.

Bridget served as one of my greatest supports as I was faced with single motherhood, and I watched the man of her dreams pursue her and ask her to spend their lives together.

We have only met three times in person over the last three years, but we have witnessed seasons of change and growth that only lifelong friends experience.

All it Takes is an Invitation

I am forever grateful for the simple and beautiful prayer bracelets that united us at the Blessed is She retreat. They continue to serve as a symbol of our lifelong accountability and sisterhood.

You don’t have to wait to attend a Blessed is She retreat to find a prayer partner. Think of the women in your life, your community, your Blessed is She regional Facebook group. Ask the Lord to bring you someone who can be a spiritual friend to you. And then, reach out! Ask her if she’d like to commit to praying for one another and to holding each other accountable to prayer and a life of virtue.

If it helps, send her a prayer partner bracelet and get a matching one for yourself to remember one another in prayer each day. This journey toward Heaven is much sweeter and lighter when we have soul-friends by our side.

Most of the time, all it takes is an invitation. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Do you have a prayer partner in your life? Are you looking for one? Share this blog post on your social media feed and see if anyone would like to join you!

Jenny Vosbeek is a full time nurse residing in her beautiful home state of Colorado. She is one half of a dynamic duo, blessed to be the single mama to her nearly-two year old, Harper Lynn. You can find her enjoying craft beer, live music, hometown sports or a quality Netflix binge in her free time.


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