Freedom and Gratitude

Freedom and Gratitude

Happy Independence Day from all of us at My Saint My Hero!

On this glorious and joyful day on which we celebrate this beautiful nation solidly built upon the principles and foundations of respect and honor for God, our neighbors, and freedom, let’s take a few moments to be grateful. Grateful for our freedom to believe, freedom of conscience, and for the freedom to build a family and a life for ourselves. On a day like today we can’t help but feel such gratitude towards the heroic men and women who have served and currently serve to protect our nation and our freedom every single day. May God continue to bless our America, the Beautiful, and each of her sons and daughters, so that She may be true to her roots and the values upon which She was built.

I want to share a few words Amy, cofounder of My Saint My Hero, shared with us recently on the topic of gratitude as I think it is so appropriate for today.

Gratitude is the beautiful virtue that transforms the heart and opens the soul to the limitless goodness of God’s grace. Gratitude… the selfless pouring out of love unto and into another… as we reflect upon the people in our lives who we are grateful for, moments we want to imprint upon our hearts, and love shared, it as if suddenly all other thoughts and emotions fall away and we find ourselves completely content.

Gratitude is limitless as are all things from God…. it allows us to see beyond the fog, beyond to the horizon and know that that no matter what happened, the light of dawn renews us with a brand new day… ALWAYS! Each day as the sun begins to set, I invite you to feel God wrap His arms around you as He whispers, “Thank you my Beloved for today.Thank you for choosing to love me and for saying yes to your mission on earth. Thank you for remembering me today … I am grateful… you matter to me… the world needs you. I love you for I am your Father.”


May your day be wonderful, filled with family togetherness, joy, delicious food, and fireworks that all celebrate and manifest the gratitude we feel today. We are grateful for our mission here at My Saint My Hero and we are so grateful for each of you! 

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