If Angels Could be Jealous of Men – First Holy Communion

A Real Presence, A Real Grace
The Sacraments have always personally marked a huge spiritual milestone for me. I remember around the time of my First Holy Communion, when I was about 7 years old, I was really struggling with jealousy. My little sister, at least to my eyes, was the perfect angel and she was always favored over me. I resented that it seemed so easy for her to listen to our parents, and was so nice about sharing, while it was like pulling teeth for me, and I sure vocalized it too. Deep in my heart I knew it was wrong and I desired to be a more loving and obedient girl, I just didn’t know how.
Thanks to my parents’ prompting, I remember writing a card to Jesus before my First Communion to thank Him for the gift of Himself and to ask for a very special grace. I asked that as He entered my heart that He take from me this jealousy. And He did. It was like night and day for me afterwards. I sometimes still felt the pangs of jealousy but now I had the strength, the grace to fight it.
A Transforming Love
Our Lord is truly there in the Blessed Sacrament, always present and His grace can truly transform us and work miracles. Listen as with each beat of His heart He professes His love for you.
“I love you”.
“You are precious to me.”
“I would do it all again for YOU (with your full name) alone.”
“Come, rest in me.”
“Let me heal your hurting…your burdened heart.” He will heal, transform, comfort, and strengthen us if we but come to Him and allow Him.
“If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.”
-St. Maximilian Kolbe
Celebrating First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion is one of the sacraments we especially celebrate this month. We celebrate and rejoice that these little children are receiving a gift not even the angels are privileged to enjoy. It is a reminder for us what a tremendous gift the Eucharist is, and an invitation to keep our hearts like little children.
Our First Communion Rosary and Bracelet Gift Sets, specifically designed for children, are a beautiful way to celebrate this Sacrament of love! The rosaries are light enough for children to wear/carry, yet sturdy enough to accompany their daily adventures. They are sure to be a gift which keeps giving. Our Lady always leads us to her Son and through each bead, each Hail Mary, she will guide them time and time again back to His loving arms.
“I want to encourage everyone to visit- if possible, every day- especially amid life’s difficulties, the Blessed Sacrament of the infinite love of Christ and his mercy, preserved in our churches, and often abandoned, to speak filially with Him, to listen to Him in silence, and to peacefully entrust yourself to Him.” —Pope Francis, Message to the 2016 Eucharistic Congress.