Lent with Maclaine from A Catholic Convo Blog

Attend Eucharistic Adoration. Buy a sketchbook. Draw what Jesus put on your heart. Color your prayers. Write your heart out as a poem. Read old books you find in your church. Start a prayer card collection. Sing a song about Jesus every morning. Find a community. Understand your past faults. Confess and repent. Write Jesus a thank-you letter. Send someone a postcard with a prayer on it. Believe. Write your honest thoughts with your Father. Give flowers to Mary. Wear saints around your neck as friendship necklaces. Keep your heart in the hands of Jesus. Know that you are blessed. Fast. Pray. Give alms. Be here, in Lent.
This Lent, my boldness comes from the fire of the Holy Spirit to give more of myself. I’m focusing especially on fasting because I believe a consistent sacrifice sings a song to God who gave us all we have. I enjoy only drinking water in place of any other drink during Lent to ground me to the truth that Jesus alone can satisfy. Any thirst in life that I experience can only be fulfilled by Christ, and the Holy Spirit has inspired me to apply this truth to my fasting. – Maclain/A Catholic Convo Blog
How are you being bold this Lent? This Lent we are being bold by doing things a little different. We are featuring YOU and your stories. We want to see how you are changing the world.Share your journey for a chance to be featured this Lent – tag us on social media or share HERE! ⠀