Love is Patient, Love is Kind

Last year we featured Jordan and her beautiful words as the first in a series of Lenten reflections. We loved this post so much we wanted to share it with you again!
When I met my husband, I wasn’t praying for love. I wasn’t praying for a boyfriend or a relationship. I was praying to draw closer to the Lord. I was at a crossroads in my life, and my prayer was simply that the Lord have His way in my life and that he turn my heart towards Him. Little did I know that He’d answer my prayer by bringing Pete into my life. Meeting Pete radically changed my life. It was a true turning point in my faith. He’s shown me love and faithfulness like I never could’ve imagined in a man.Most people thought we were crazy to start a business together – and they were probably right. We just happen to love marketing almost as much as we love spending time with each other (which is probably why we run our business out of a tiny home on wheels.. but that’s a story for another day!).
Over the past few years, we’ve served heart-centered entrepreneurs through web design, social media marketing, paid advertising, and coaching programs – but at the heart of what we do is one mission: to encourage, empower, and enable entrepreneurs to build purpose-driven lives + businesses. – Jordan
Read more about Jordan and Pete on their website – Jordan + Pete
PC: Amanda Nichols Photography