Mother Mary’s Way of the Cross

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, is the first disciple of Jesus and was the first person to walk the Stations of the Cross.
She spiritually walked every day until the day she was taken to heaven.
Mother Mary walked to remember her Son. She walked to feel close to Jesus, and by doing so, she ensured hope for the entire world.
After the resurrection of her Son, Mary fled to Mt. Koressos near Ephesus in Turkey and lived there for the remainder of her life.
She re-enacted His Passion around her home and stopped to pray 14 different times in remembrance of the pivotal moments along the way. Those original “Stations of The Cross” were uncovered, preserved, and can be visited to this day.

Because of this, today, many churches around the world, including all Catholic Churches, have the Stations of the Cross around their church as an invitation to join Mary in remembering our union with Jesus Christ.
Good Friday is the day each year that we walk the stations as one collective community of Christians.
We choose to remember, we choose to love, we choose to forgive, and we choose to say YES to Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
It is because of His promise and hope in His resurrection that we may live in Him and Him in us…
Come, Holy Spirit, come.
“We adore You O Christ, and we praise You, because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world.” —St. Francis of Assisi
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner