Our Lady Queen of the Angels

If I ever question or doubt the true existence or "super existence" of God, I simply remember all of the miracles that are outside of logic and outside of science, and it brings me to a place of overwhelming conviction. YES, God is real, prayer really does work, love heals, and MIRACLES HAPPEN!
Today I was reading about Our Lady Queen of the Angels. The month of August is dedicated to Our Blessed Mother, and August 2nd is the Feast day of Our Lady Queen of Angels, so I sat down to learn more about this day… and a tiny yet mighty miracle was revealed:
Let me just line up some of the facts:
- I was born, raised, and still live in Los Angeles (a city that was originally called "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río Porciúncula" which in English translates to "town of our lady the Queen of Angels of the River Porciúncula").
- My hometown cathedral is Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
- My company My Saint My Hero was born in Ischia, Italy, and is headquartered in Los Angeles.
- My Saint My Hero began to really grow after my pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herezegovina, where I experienced my reawakening as I felt the great love of Our Blessed Mother as she carried me to Her son Jesus. Truly my life was changed forever on the pilgrimage. On that trip, I consecrated our company to Jesus through Mary. You can even call us a Marian company.
- On that very trip to Medjugorje, Father John Bartunek handed me a little bag of Benedictine Medals and told me that I needed to carry one with me at all times to protect me along my spiritual journey. He blessed the medals with Holy Water and Holy Salt.
- Our original and still our best-selling My Saint My Hero Bracelet is the Benedictine Blessing Bracelet that features 10 of these St. Benedict Medals.
- St. Benedict is known as the Blessing Saint for his motto "Ora et Labora" Pray and Work… Work and Pray.
- Today I read that the first Our Lady Queen of the Angels chapel was near Assisi, Italy. This is the same chapel where St. Francis of Assisi's heart was consumed with LOVE, and it was in this place, he first established the Franciscan Order, and later, with Clare of Assisi, the order of the Poor Clares. In 1226 he died in an adjoining room to this chapel which can still be visited today.
- BEFORE St. Francis restored this church that had been falling to ruin, it had belonged to St. Benedict and the Benedictine Order! Our Lady Queen of Angels was one of the first chapels built by the Benedictine Monks to honor the grace and love of Our Blessed Mother Mary. St. Benedict was a Marian!!
- I always understood the connection between My Saint My Hero and Our Blessed Mother, AND I understood the importance of the Benedictine Cross of Protection. However, I never truly understood until today why while on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, I received the Benedictine Medals and why the Benedictine Blessing Bracelet was the first piece I created or why that bracelet became and continues to be our best-selling bracelet. I believe that there are many amazing and miraculous reasons, just one of which I just came to understand today.
"My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God" – Our Lady of Fatima.
The inspiration behind My Saint My Hero was to share the stories of the saints as real people who walked this earth in union with Christ and allowed miracles to happen! Our mission is to remind everyone that we are ALL called to be saints. We are created to walk in complete union with Christ every day. In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, "Christ has no body on earth but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world". Through the heart and love of Mary, we can fall so deeply in love with Christ that we trust and surrender our will to His Divine Will.
Two of our Favorite Saints
St. Benedict and St. Francis dedicated their life and their mission to Jesus through Mary! The order of the Franciscan Monks was established in Our Lady Queen of Angels, and so was St. Clare's. I did not know that they, too, were Marians until today, the Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Angels. Through the Heart of Mary and the lives of the saints, we are reminded that miracles continue to happen through and in CHRIST and that we are all called to be saints now! We are called to be saints in the purest form and to simply surrender our will to God's Divine Will and allow miracles to happen.
Our Lady Queen of Angels, Pray for us.
–Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner