The Power of Prayer Ropes

Excerpts From the Orthodox Times
The prayer rope is the means that helps the one who prays to concentrate at the time of prayer.
First, one is concentrated with one’s mind and then follow one’s heart to Jesus Christ. The prayer rope is an instrument that helps to call on our Lord Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the saints, the angels. We call on all of them to help and defend us.
We carry the prayer rope wherever we go. We use it as a powerful instrument of prayer, not as a decorative element, either in the car or at home but also in every temptation or sadness or danger or before we go to sleep. In this way, we follow Saint Paul’s exhortation, that is, to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).
According to tradition, Saint Pachomius founded with the help of St. Anthony the first monastery in Thebes in Egypt in AD 320. Inner prayer was practiced by all the monks either during the services or their personal struggle. However, the cunning devil confused them so that they got too tired. While praying, Archangel Gabriel appeared to Saint Pachomius. The Archangel was holding a prayer rope in his left hand and gave it to Saint Pachomius.
Then he took a thread and showed him how to make the prayer rope in such a way that the devil was very afraid of it. So when the monks were holding the prayer rope, the devil could not bother them. Each knot is cross-knit and consists of nine crosses that represent the nine orders of angels.
The prayer rope is not only for the monks but also for the laity. Whoever says the prayer with the prayer rope the devil and the demons go away because the devil is vanquished by the Sign of the Cross. Whoever wishes to drive the devil away should have a prayer rope with which one will ask for the intercession of God and the saints. The prayer rope helps whoever wants to find peace and tranquility because it brings the peace and tranquility of Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints.
Three to one rule- start by prayer vocally (or inner voice in public) aka in your head.
"Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me."
"O, Most Holy Mother of God, save me!"
"O Most Holy Theotokos, save me!"
"My Panagia, save me for I am a sinner!"
"My Panagia, save me!"
This would be a good start. Pick the number you would like to start with and stick to your "Prayer Rule" each day.
Remember to speak the name of Jesus with love and adoration.
and Have mercy on me with contrition, repentance, and trust.
(Sent to us by Sr. Grace/Little Sisters of the Poor)