5 Spiritual Resolutions for the New Year

5 Spiritual Resolutions for the New Year
- Read an amazing book that will walk you closer to Christ. Some suggestions are Time for God by Jacques Phillipe (or truly anything by him — his books are short and powerful), Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell (about St. Luke), or The Refuge from Heaven by Cora Evans. These are just some of my favorite life-changing books.
- Take a self-guided retreat. I love 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, or any of his 33-day retreats are life changing. I also love The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola; Loyola Institute of Spirituality has a GREAT self-guided retreat with weekly spiritual direction.
- Get a spiritual director that you can talk to at least monthly. Listening to God within your heart requires discernment, and sometimes when we are not sure, a spiritual director can help strengthen our own gift of discernment.
- Pick a SAINT and find your HERO for the New Year. Learn about that saint’s main virtue (patience, courage, inspiration, charity), and ask that saint to walk with you throughout the yea. Ask them to inspire you to strengthen that saintly virtue within yourself. You will be AMAZED at how often you feel a spark of inspiration that will help you in tough times. In 2020, I chose St. Gianna, and one of her key virtues was PATIENCE. Little did I know, at that time, how much I needed patience to get through 2020! You can pick a saint by putting a bunch of saint prayer cards in a basket, reaching in, and picking one randomly. You can also pick a saint by visiting our Instagram page (@mysaintmyhero) and taking a screenshot on our “Pick a Saint and Virtue for 2021” reel. Or, you can learn about a few and pick based on what you think you might need this coming year. I like the random method of picking — leaving it up to the angels and saints to be my guide. Believe me, I would have NEVER picked “patience” on my own last year.
- Pray a NOVENA. Pray the Rosary every day for 9 days.
Together may we be grounded in faith, Amy D'Ambra