A Special Valentine’s Blessing for the One You Love

Stellar Blessings Amore Bracelet
Ah isn’t love such a wonderful thing? I dare to say that love, by far, is the most Godlike ability and identity we have as human beings. We were created by God, who is love Himself, for love. In choosing to love, which is the gift of oneself to another, we live up to our fullest potential as people and children of God.
There are countless ways to profess and express our love to those dear to us. Gifting is one excellent way. The definition of a gift is: a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. A gift expresses how we feel about the other person and we want it not only to be pleasing and precious to the recipient, we also desire it to carry significance- to let it be a unique expression of our love.
The Amore Stellar Blessings Bracelet is crafted with rows of ruby red crystal beads, five 1cm gold tone Benedictine medals, and a gold-tone My Saint My Hero logo tag. This sparkling limited edition bracelet is a gorgeous way to remind your beloved one not only of your love, but also of God’s eternal love, and their own calling to love. This bracelet is perfect for St. Valentine’s Day. This year, why not give the Gift of a Blessing?