At the Heart of My Saint My Hero

St. Benedict
Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Benedict. This day is special to us here at My Saint My Hero because the Benedictine cross medal is at the heart of each of our many of our Wearable Blessings.
Have you ever wondered why this particular medal? You can find the answer on the prayer card that accompanies each of our bracelets.
Each one of us has the chance to make our world a better place every single day. We do so by choosing to do what is right and good, choosing to avoid what is wrong. God has given us an internal sensor that helps us seek good and avoid evil; it’s called our conscience. He has also given us the Holy Spirit to keep our conscience strong and clear, but we still find it hard to say no to temptation and sin. This bracelet is an extra help in your battle to make the world a better place and follow the path to heaven. It’s like a secret weapon.
In Christian tradition, the Benedictine cross is one of the Church’s most powerful signs of divine protection. It was created in the mid 600’s as a symbol of the spiritual truths that enabled St. Benedict and his many followers to resist evil and do good. “The Holy Cross be my Light,” is written in Latin on the front of the cross, which is used all over the world to help spread Christ’s Kingdom of love and light. Wear this ancient symbol to help protect your soul, your loved ones and your home from anything contrary to God’s love. —Fr. John Bartunek, LC ThD
Called to Be Saints, Called to Do Good
We invite you, as we do, to wear these tangible reminders and know that God has given you a mission to make the world a better place, and that you can choose to fulfill that mission by using your hands to do good.
Humble Saint of God, teach us and guide us to wear the armor of God’s grace to resist evil and do good.
May “The Holy Cross be my Light” be always on my lips and guide me through this day;
so that in everything I say, think or do, I may help spread Christ’s Kingdom of love and light.
St. Benedict, pray for us!