Celebrating 10 Years of Wearable Blessings

An Inspiration Blows in like the Wind...
...catches you by surprise, takes your breath away, your heart falls in love and races all in the same moment, and then it grabs a hold and doesn’t let go. It is undeniable yet at the same time a bit scary, and as soon as you say YES, it takes you by storm and everything in the world around you seems to point in the direction of the inspiration.
This is what happened to me over 10 years ago with My Saint My Hero, the inspiration came flooding in, my heart was changed forever and still to this day, I dream and daydream of new “Wearable Blessings” to make God’s love visible and to remind us all that each and every one of us is a VITAL part of God’s amazing symphony of life.
We are all Called to be Saints
And we are all called to walk in union with God to allow miracles to happen! This is truth, this is good, this is beautiful and this is YOU! This is my call and I am incredibly grateful for every single day, every twist and turn along the way.
Every time I hear a story of the Blessing Bracelet being a tangible tool for something wonderful in the world, I am in awe and grateful beyond words to be a small part of this wonder.
On a personal note, my hubby and 3 kids are my daily dose of God’s unwavering LOVE! Just the other day I got a text from a girl at my son’s school. She said my son Anthony stood up for her in a time of need and became a reminder that she is strong, she is good, she is beautiful, and she is true.
AMEN to all of you who share your love and light so beautifully! YOU ARE THE LOVE WE NEED NOW! If My Saint My Hero allows one of you to share your love in a tangible way… thank you! Happy 10th Year Anniversary My Saint My Hero! Thank you team, thank you friends, and thank you family! May God Bless us all…. AMEN