Happy Feast Day! 3 Things St. Benedict Wanted You to Know!

You are welcomed, invited, and wanted; this would be something that St. Benedict would want you to know. He believed that through beauty, hospitality, and charity, one would feel the warm embrace of God and want to learn more.
If there was a patron saint of event management, it would be St. Benedict, because everything he did, every monastery he built, and every dinner he served was with utmost beauty. He wanted everyone to EXPERIENCE God through a tangible element of beauty.
And when you were in his presence, he wanted to shower you with blessings from the FATHER. He would extend his heart and his hands in prayer and shower blessing upon you as a pure channel — almost a funnel from God through to you.
St. Benedict was a young man when he went into a small cave and dedicated his entire being... his entire life to God. He is known as one of the first monks, and from his firm foundation in Christ, he built a community of Catholic monks that is still thriving today, over 1500 years later!
His medal of protection continues to be recognized as one of the strongest symbols of protection known in the Christian world! It is used in almost all of our pieces at My Saint My Hero as a tangible element of blessing, hope and God’s love. This medal is worn by all of the Benedictine order and many religious as a symbol of God’s great protection. On a personal note, this was the exact medal that Fr. John Bartunek gave me on my first pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 2010. He said to me, “Keep this medal on you at all times… it will protect your heart so that you may keep it wide open and allow the flood of God’s love to dwell in peace.” At that moment, I took the medals and asked a wonderful new friend Anita (who is now our head artisan in Medjugorje) to weave a bracelet for me so that I would always wear my medal of protection. I called it my Blessing Bracelet and began sharing it with the world.
The Spirit of St. Benedict is summed up in his motto: PAX (“peace”) and the traditional ORA ET LABORA (“pray at work”). May we learn from this pivotal saint to pray at work and work at prayer in order to have true PEACE.
Happy Feast Day, St. Benedict! Thank you for your courage, your teachings, and your inspiration.
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder & CEO