Saint Christopher - Saint of Protection for all Travels

Christ Bears Us Up
St. Christopher still serves by reminding us that all Christians are called to be “Bearers of Christ” both in our hearts and in the way we build society. Christ bears us up. Psalm 68:19
St. Christopher Feast Day- Saint Of Protection for all Travels + St. James Feast Day - Patron Saint of all Pilgrims on Their WayJuly 25th —Two incredible saints with one mission sharing the same feast day! Wow July 25th is a powerful day, a day to ask for protection and guidance along your WAY as you journey through life wondering which road to take, what trip to book, what career to embark upon, when to move and when to stay still.
St. Christopher is known as the saint that carries us all through the most turbulent of waters to arrive safely. I wear my St. Christopher medal every time I step on an airplane and as I enter the plane door, I put my hand on the outside of the plane and pray the Archangel Michael Prayer of Protection...this is my spiritual armor for all my travels!
St. James was an apostle of Christ and known as the patron for all pilgrims as they travel down a path with intention in search of finding their life’s divine purpose. St James walks alongside, carrying us over the biggest mountains and reminding us that through suffering we find the strength to stay in the place of hope and that hope is what keeps us moving through even our most difficult moments. Hope remains the way through with joy and a renewed heart. The Camino De Santiago is a 500+ walking pilgrimage that is dedicated to St. James. My daughter did this pilgrimage last summer and she said arriving to the Church of St. James at the end of her journey was life-altering. She felt overwhelmed with gratitude, love and new-found confidence within her soul that truly “we can do ALL THINGS With Christ Jesus who strengthens us.”
St. Christopher Protect Us
St. James Walk with Us
Lead us along our Holy Path as we seek to encounter Christ! AMEN
Photos: WDL Photos