How to Pass the Torch of Light to Others Through Inspiration

St. Anne and St. Joachim are the parents of Blessed Mother Mary. It is said that Anne lived over three hundred years with the sole purpose of bringing Mary into the world at the moment of perfect alignment knowing the birth of The Christ was to be brought forth through Mary.
In the words of Pope Francis, "Saints Joachim and Anne were part of a long chain of people who had transmitted their faith and love for God, expressed in the warmth and love of family life, down to Mary. How precious is the family as a privileged place for transmitting the faith!"
Inspiration for Now: may we be inspired by St. Anne and St. Joachim to courageously pass the torch of light to the world through our lineage of love! AMEN! PS Happy feast day to all the Annes and Joachims in the world today! —Amy D’Ambra
St. Anne Feast Day - July 26
Saint Anne is the patron saint of unmarried women, housewives, women in labor or who want to be pregnant, grandmothers, and educators.