Surrounded in the Love of Mama Mary

I woke up the morning of my wedding with an overwhelming joy, a joy that only Jesus could give me! I had prayed for this day, I had prayed over this sacrament, and I had prayed for my holy spouse for years, and it was here. Finally, it was my wedding day, a day I would get to marry my best friend in front of all our loved ones and under God’s goodness. All this to say, I was filled with JOY when I awoke that day.
But it only took 10 minutes for me to realize I was already behind schedule, and it was time to get ready. This was when my body started to take over. No matter how much I had prayed or how ready I was, I had nerves, and my tummy started to turn. My body knew something big was happening, but my heart just wanted to rest in the joy of all that the day was. So, as I sat in the makeup chair, I prayed that I could be fully present and that my tummy would rest so I could be in the joy of the day. I asked Jesus to protect me and fill me with His light, and I asked Mama Mary to be with me and to comfort my nerves. I prayed for my soon-to-be husband Connor and his strength to follow Jesus so that I could follow him. And, I prayed that I could be a supportive wife, that I could be steadfast, that I could be a nurturing mother, that I could be like Mary was to Jesus — I pray for that type of sacrificial love and overarching commitment to trusting the Lord. I prayed I could be that type of wife.
Little did I know that 30 minutes later, I would be receiving a gift from my mom and dad that would be a little answer to prayer. They surprised me with the most beautiful Heart of Mary Necklace, a diamond cross with a small sapphire in the middle to symbolize our Blessed Mother and her love for her beloved son Jesus. As I put on this Heart of Mary Necklace, I knew Jesus and Mama Mary were with me!
Just after opening the present from my mom and dad, I opened the gift Connor surprised me with that morning. It was a little sapphire band! I love how God works in mini-miracles to affirm our faith. Coincidence, maybe, but it was all I needed to know that I was surrounded in the love of Mama Mary on my wedding day.
I pray every day as I wear my Heart of Mary Necklace that I can be like Mary in the way she loves. Right now, that means loving my husband well, and one day that will mean loving my children well; and ALWAYS teaching them to turn their gaze to Jesus.
—Ellie Axtell/MSMH Director of Business Development