How Can We Live Lent to the Fullest?

How Can We Live Lent to the Fullest?

Why do we attend Mass to have ashes placed on our forehead? Why do we "give up" or sacrifice some of the things we feel we need during the season of Lent? 

"Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return..."

Those are the words said as the priest marks a sign of a cross with ashes on our foreheads, signifying our own brokenness and weakness.


Because it is our time to lay it all down, look inside ourselves, and ask the tough questions:

Where have I been greedy?
Where have I been impatient or unkind? 
How can I be more loving and more giving?  
How can I serve others and put God first?

How can we live Lent to the fullest?

Lent is a time to examine our consciousness and eagerly look for ways to shift directions, be more holy, or find our holy path.  

Lent is a time to be vulnerable and raw in front of God. To seek our own humility in knowing that we are only dust and will return to dust. 

Lent is a chance to intentionally change the trajectory of our own personal life to be more holy every day.  

Lent is a personal pilgrimage of prayer.

Lent gives us a chance to surrender and trust completely in Him.  

It is freeing to walk through the valley with Jesus and KNOW that the VICTORY is already won! We will celebrate Easter! Jesus already died for us so that we may have eternal life. That is the entire reason for being….to learn to live in union with Christ on Earth and forever in heaven. 

May this Lent flood you with supernatural grace and open your heart wide to the love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. AMEN.

Prayer Ideas: 

Focus on one prayer per week.

Prayer (said every day throughout that week)

Week 1. "Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Your love."

Week 2. "Lord Jesus, Savior, have mercy on me and grant me Your grace."

Week 3. "God our Father, bless me and bless others through me."

Week 4. "Jesus, Light of the World, shine in me and shine through me."

Week 5. "Give me your strength, Lord, so I can carry my crosses."

Week 6. "I believe, Lord! Help my lack of faith!" 

—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner

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