How I Learned to Stop Running and Sit with the Truth

St. Anthony is known as the saint that helps you find lost objects. He helped me find my way back home, home inside my heart, home with God.
As I leaned into this truth, I learned to stop running, stop chasing, and to simply sit with the truth that I have arrived, I am home.
Today on this beautiful feast day of St. Anthony, I pray that he sparks the truth that already lives within. You are God’s beloved, you are enough, you are perfectly imperfect, and you are exactly as intended. YOU ARE A VITAL PART in God’s divine plan!
In the words of St. Catherine of Sienna and St. John Paul II, "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
I remain in awe of heaven and in the invisible yet tangible grace we receive from heaven. Sometimes the saints come alive in our hearts and in our lives just to remind us how to walk this earth in union with heaven and allow miracles to flow. St. Anthony is one of those saints—and the fun part is you can experiment by simply calling out to him and asking him to help you find your way or to find something that is lost.
Listen to the whisper in your heart and see the signs along the way….
St. Anthony, pray for us.
I am home. I have arrived.
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner