This is the Love of a Father

Dear Dad,
To say Happy Father’s Day is not enough to truly show you the gratitude I have for you. I thank God every day for the father He so generously gave me. From the day I was born, you loved me more than life, and I didn’t know the depth of this love until I started to grow up.
Every practice, you were there. Every dinner, you made a priority. Every vacation, you brought the family together. Every rocky season, you stayed grounded. Every failure, you love me through it. Every success, you celebrated. Every chance you got to say I love you or to give a hug, you did.
Do we fight, sometimes? Do we butt heads? Yes, but never for a minute have I questioned your unconditional love for me.
This is the Love of a Father.
The way you love me is how I imagine God loves me. You see no imperfection. You see me for the good in my heart.
And now, as I am about to get married, I see your joy, but I also see your fear of “losing” your baby girl and that I will forget how much you love me.
As I reflect on this, I think about how God feels about letting His children, that He loves so much, go into a world plagued by sin and darkness. He has to trust that we will feel His love, that we will know His mercy and sovereignty. He has hope that we turn to Him, and even when we don’t, He still loves us.
This is the Love of a Father.
Thank you for showing me this kind of love! I love you to the moon and back!
—Ellie D'Ambra/MSMH Business Development