Join in Prayer for Peace

Join in Prayer for Peace
An address (such as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought (Merriam-Webster)

I have been on pilgrimage to Medjugorje to pray 11 times. I have written over a dozen blogs specifically about prayer and Medjugorje.

There is no secret that Medjugorje and My Saint My Hero are intertwined. For our company, prayer is the center of everything.

There is an urgent request from Our Blessed Mother to join in prayer for PEACE in the world. That urgent request has come from Medjugorje.

Join me in praying with the village of Medjugorje.  —Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner


Read more on her request:

Join in prayer LIVE:

How to pray the rosary:

How to pray the Peace Chaplet:





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