Welcome, Summer!

"Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength." —St. Philip Neri
Summer season, for me, is a time to retreat and cast myself in God's loving arms.
A retreat back to the homeland where life slows down and is simpler.
A place of intention where we hang up our laundry to dry, shop for our daily bread, pack up a lunch to eat on the seashore, say "ciao" to friends along the way, linger just a little longer, enjoy shakeratos at 3 pm with the cousins, fall asleep under an umbrella, walk back home after sunset, have sand on our feet, perhaps sand in the sheets, fresh breeze through the house, the smell of sunscreen, and the taste of summer ripened watermelon.
Summer is God's reminder to love life and embrace it.

These are the moments that cultivate community, a sense of belonging, and taking time to just be.
It is in these summer moments that being quiet is possible, and a sense of wonder and "awe" is felt.
In this place, I am fully me… fully alive… fully in love.
This is where creativity flows.
This is where I remember that I don't need to run.
I don't need to chase and can sit still in God's loving grace.
This is when God uses my stillness to remind me who I am and that I am home.
It was during these summer moments that My Saint My Hero was born.
As I slowed down, turned off all the electronics, and retreated into the silence, I remembered the fullness of life, and it reawakened my heart.
Inspired by this transformation, I now dedicate this season to retreat.
I try to retreat a little every day in prayer, however I have come to learn that for me and my family I need to retract in order to reset.

Every year during this retreat, I spend time in the Chapel where I first heard my calling to begin My Saint My Hero. Every year, I ask God, "Use me as an instrument of Your love and show me what I can do for Your glory here on earth."
This summer, in prayer with God, I am reminded to:
Be Obedient
Be Quiet
Be Patient
Act When Needed
Be Strong
Be Clear
Share the Tools
Do it Now
Lead with Strength
Lead with Truth
Lead with Passion
A retreat can be anywhere. It doesn't have to be away on an island; it doesn't have to be in a remote place; it just has to be where you can set time to pray, set a time to be quiet, set time to hear God's voice, and cast yourself into His loving arms.
Happy Summer!
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner