Live Boldly Podcast! Do you have something tangible that anchors you?

It’s raw, real, and vulnerable... I talk about my kids, my struggles and my ah ha moments! My third podcast ever and I can’t make it through without crying! Thank you Sara Schulting Kranz for your Live Boldly podcast... listen - link in my bio. Thank you my friends!!! —AmyDo you have something tangible that anchors you?
Amy D’Ambra is the Founder, Co-Owner and Creative Director of My Saint My Hero, a wearable jewelry line that brings blessings of faith, hope and purpose into every day life.
Created in 2006 with only a collection of 12 pieces, My Saint My Hero has since been drawn to the small pilgrimage town of Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a place that has been called “heaven on earth.” On a visit there in 2010, Amy watched as local women hand wove bracelets with love, praying with every knot. Wanting to share a bit of the sacred place, she brought a few bracelets home to Los Angeles. Those pieces now form the heart of the growing My Saint My Hero jewelry line, which today, along with the signature Benedictine Blessing Bracelets, includes necklaces, earrings and sacramental pieces. They create Wearable Blessings™ that serve as constant reminders of purpose, hope and inspiration. The Mission of My Saint My Hero is to transform the world one life at a time through the experience of being blessed and sharing that blessing with others. With your purchases, you are empowering women of Medjugorje through meaningful work – helping them rise above war-torn poverty with the dignity of their beautiful trade. “May you be blessed by the love and prayers of the community of My Saint My Hero.”
Amy D’Ambra developed a collection of 12 saint medals, each with an inspiring virtue on a tag. The medals were created to serve as reminders that the saints were ordinary people with extraordinary faith who walked the earth in union with Christ and that we are all called to do the same. My Saint My Hero was born.
In 2009 Amy had an offer to sell the My Saint My Hero line to another company. Struggling with the decision, she was inspired in prayer to reach out to Christine Rich. Although Amy hadn’t known it, Christine had been praying about going back to work. She answered Amy’s call for help with, “I’m all in!” Amy and Christine committed to working together to build a different kind of business, one founded in and inspired by prayer. They vowed to bring the sacred to now–to be a reminder that God is real, prayer works, and love heals.
In this episode, Amy dives deep into her story and explains why we need to learn how to receive love. As parents, we are models for our kids – calming the mind is essential to experience clarity.
As a self-proclaimed accidental entrepreneur, Amy taps into her guardian angels by asking for their help. Also, before a big meeting, Amy sends her guardian angels to meet the other person’s guardian angels. Open yourself up to your angels and utilize them daily – they work!
Click HERE for the Live Boldly podcast and hear Amy describe how her husband pulled her off the freight train and the inspiration behind My Saint My Hero.