THANK YOU, you matter, you are making a difference!

May this Thanksgiving offer you a moment to feel the grace and love between us all. May the blessings between us offer supernatural healing, forgiveness and divine mercy. May we feel renewed by friendships and family as we gather around a table and break bread with one another. May conversations be heartfelt, and may your heart be sparked with the true knowing of belonging.
I am grateful for you. You, my friend, allow me to do what I love most and call it work! Together we exist to make God’s Love visible through wearable and tangible tools.
Thank you for wearing and sharing Blessing Bracelets with everyone you know. Because of you we can continue to empower global communities with meaningful work. Right now we are training a community in Uganda to weave for us and this work could offer education to over 100 children!
THANK YOU, you matter, you are making a difference!
May you and all your loved ones be blessed,
Amy/MSMH Founder
Prayer for your Thanksgiving Table (as adapted from the Magnificat)
Loving Father,
We thank you for your countless blessings, especially for the gift of your Son, for our faith, and now for this meal.
Bless this food and the Love that unites us.
Keep us forever grateful and generous in service.
May those that are hungry in the world, feel the spark of your love and be filled in this moment by your grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, AMEN