Many Souls are Scattered

While in Medjugorje in March 2022, I stood at the base of the bronze statue of the Risen Christ. My hand was outstretched to touch the knee of the Christ statue, and as the miraculous tears drops flowed from His knee into the palm of my hand I placed my forehead on his leg and opened my heart in prayer and in love.
At that moment, I heard Jesus in my heart say, My children are scattered… bring them back to me… back to my Sacred Heart.. through the Eucharist.
I wept as I felt this oneness with Jesus.
I wept as I felt many souls scattered.
I wept with this overwhelming love for every single soul.
I wept as I was flooded with the love of Jesus.
I stepped down from the Risen Christ sculpture and sat in prayer. I began to ask God questions: “How can I bring souls to you?” “How do I lead many to your Sacred Heart?” How do I lead them to the Eucharist?” I heard, Keep doing what you are doing!
I called my friend Sarah, who was working on a “Back to Mass” campaign with the LA Archdiocese. We immediately understood how we could do our part to help bring people to Jesus through the Eucharist. Many phone calls, details, hurdles, and prayers later, we arrived at the National Eucharistic Congress and handed out thousands of “Back to Mass” kits to the congress participants!
The Back To Mass bracelet is included in this kit, and it is meant to be worn, prayed upon, and then handed to someone as a tangible and wearable invitation Back to Mass!
Each bracelet is handwoven in Medjugorie, the silver cross is hand-cast in Italy, and each bracelet is adorned with a round charm with an Auspice Maria on one side and a QR code on the other. The QR code leads to Mass, Adoration, and Confession anywhere in the United States.
This bracelet is simply a tool. Each one of us is His apostle. We are all called to love, be loved, and share the love of Jesus with others. If each one of us simply WALKS WITH ONE back to Mass, imagine the world!
Together let’s Build His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Together let’s lead one scattered souls back home.
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner