Mary Undoer of Knots — The Meaning Behind the Medal

Our Lady of Undoer of Knots: Call upon Mary’s intercession for a strong marriage
Our Lady’s intercession can be a powerful prayer in a marriage that may be struggling. Our Lady of Undoer of Knots, I give you the knots of my life, so you can unravel them.
Wear this bracelet as a reminder of the powerful prayer and novena prayer of Our Lady of Undoer of Knots.
One of the favorite devotions of Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has been said to be Our Lady, Undoer of Knots (also referred to as Our Lady, Untier of Knots), whose feast day is observed Sept. 28.
The devotion begins with a German nobleman of Augsburg, Germany, in 1612.
Wolfgang Langenmantel and his wife, Sophie Imoff, were on the verge of divorce. Wolfgang sought help from Jesuit Father Jakob Rem. Over 28 days, the two met and prayed for Our Lady’s intercession. Wolfgang gave his wedding ribbon to Father Rem. He took the ribbon from the couple’s wedding ritual, and together they prayed to Our Lady to untie the knots of their marital struggles, asking for the Blessed Mother to smooth out the ribbon that had bound them together.
The divorce did not happen, and together, the couple lived out their married life.