Meet the World Changer – Chika Anyanwu

Meet one of our World Changers – Chika Anyanwu
I just left a beauty supply store where the owner was helping me find the products I needed to get my hair done. She was looking for a product and was worried that she had run out of it, but when she found it, she exclaimed, “Praise God!” It was with such sincerity that I knew she wasn’t just saying it flippantly; she meant it. So I responded “Amen!” and her face lit up! As I was checking out, she noticed my bracelets and said…“Oh, they are so beautiful! Is that Mother Mary? My goodness! So beautiful!” I told her about My Saint My Hero, and she was impressed by the beauty and quality of the bracelet. I looked down at my bracelet and for a brief moment felt an attachment to it but then remembered the slogan, “Wear one, share one” and I knew that I had to give her my bracelet. I told her that she could have mine and it could be her reminder to be a saint. After refusing for a period of time, she finally accepted the bracelet and was proud to share with me that she was Catholic and loved our Blessed Mother so much. She even gave me a magazine about our Lady.
–Chika Anyanwu / Motivational Speaker and Writer + Click Here to Order My Encounter
Thank you, Chika for being a World Changer, changing the world through love one Blessing at a time! Share your story below, how are you changing the world?