Meet the World Changer – Kinya Claiborne

God shows up in my life every single day, every minute, every second.
I’m actually a survivor of the Route 91 mass shooting that happened in Las Vegas. It was the largest mass shooting in modern-day American history, and that day, I went to celebrate my birthday in Las Vegas. It was really the unthinkable. In fact, when the shooting happened, no one even realized it was a shooting because it was just the unthinkable. Of course, I had my My Saint My Hero bracelets on me because I wear them every single day. I never take them off. Immediately, when the shooting began and I realized it was gunshots, not fireworks or part of the show, everyone ran. I immediately was separated from my friends. I was separated from them for about eight full hours before I was able to connect with them, see them, hug them, cry with them and pray with them. When I was able to reconnect with my friend Danielle, we looked down and noticed that we both had My Saint My Hero bracelets on.
I am the founder and editor-in-chief of Style and Society Magazine. I am also the host and co-executive producer of a show on ONX called “The Stylist.” And how I’m changing the world? I’m a world changer because through my platform, the online magazine, I’m able to write content I’m super passionate about. So it’s passion, it’s entertainment, it’s lifestyle, it’s travel, it’s food. I really want to be an inspiration to others. I want others, especially women, to feel empowered through the work that I do.
A lot of the content that I write is not only things that I’m personally passionate about, but it’s things that can help change the world. It’s charities that people may not know about, it’s all kinds of things that I think can really, truly help impact the world with the work that I do. – Kinya Claiborne