PAX Christie

May we love thy neighbor as thyself. May we know the truth that all men are created equal, and all men are created in the likeness of God. Our diversity is beauty. Our uniqueness is vital to the divine plan. Our love for one another is the harmony.
God created mankind in his image; in the image of God, he created them; male and female, he created them. Genesis 1:27
Let us remember this truth. Sometimes in today's world, it feels as if the lines connecting us all have been tangled. Let us listen to one another with ears of compassion, let us help lessen each other's burdens with hearts of charity, and let us love more openly without judgment or fear. May we rise up, reject violence, and be a beacon of hope for a world free from injustice so that we may come to share in God's peace.
Thank You, Loving God
For the gift of life,
For this wonderful world which we all share,
For the joy of love and friendship.
Lord Strengthen
My determination to work for a world of peace and justice,
My conviction that whatever our nationality or race, we are all global citizens, one in Christ,
My efforts to forgive and to love those I find hard to love.
Lord Teach Me
To share the gifts you have given me,
To speak out for the victims of injustice,
To do my part, in hope for a new era of peace.
—Ellie Axtell/MSMH Director of Business Development