Prayer for the Expectant Mother

Prayer for the Expectant Mother
My Lord Jesus, I lovingly pray to You for this sweet hope that I hold in my womb. You have granted me the immense gift of bringing forth new life in my own life: I humbly thank You for having selected me as the instrument of Your love. In this tender moment of expectation help me to live according to Your will.
Give me the heart of a mother pure, strong, and generous. I offer You my worries of this moment of expectation: my anxieties, my fears, and my desires for the life I do not yet know. Please let my baby be born healthy of body, and protected from all dangers of body and soul.
You, Mary, who experienced the ineffable joy of Holy Motherhood, give me a heart that is capable of passing on a living and ardent Faith to my child. Bless my expectancy, bless my content hopefulness, may the fruit of my womb grow in virtue and holiness through your work and the work of your divine Son. AMEN.
Prayer of Maria SS. Del Tindari, Sicily
St. Gerard, Pray for Us