St. Anne Mother of Our Blessed Mother Mary, Grandmother of Jesus

Patron saint of mothers, grandmothers, women in labor, marriages, and finding your holy spouse.
St. Anne and her husband, St. Joachim, were our Blessed Mother Mary's parents. They knew through prayer that they would conceive Mary without sin. St. Anne and St. Joachim received the message from an angel that they were the chosen parents, and they waited in prayer for Mary to be incarnate within the womb of Anne.
St. Anne had an incredible purpose of fulfilling; she has since become the patron saint of grandparents, mothers, and women in labor. From heaven, St. Anne also helps you find your holy spouse and prays for the fortitude of marriages.
Imagine St. Anne in heaven aligning circumstances for one to meet their holy spouse along their life path. Our prayers supply St. Anne with the fuel she needs to charge the guardian angels to make those paths collide.
We can ask for her help by discovering our holy spouse, praying for our children's holy spouses, and praying to fortify our marriage or a friend's marriage.
Prayer request to St. Anne
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O St. Anne, you are my spiritual grandmother. Please pray for me!
I come to you today knowing that you patiently and faithfully waited for God to answer your prayer to meet your Holy Spouse and to become a mother. I ask that you pray for me to have greater trust in God’s plan while I wait in hope and faith. Lord, I pray right now for my holy spouse and my children’s holy spouses. Keep us on our holy path so that we may collide as intended. Jesus, I trust in you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN
St. Anne, Pray For Us
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner