Are We Ready to be Transfigured by Grace into Complete Divine Light and Love?

Forty days after my sister passed (40 days to be exact, and I know this because I offered up 40 days of masses for her), I had a dream that my sister was sharing with me the incredible transformation of physical into spiritual in heaven. It felt more like a deep meditation than a dream. I felt a bit awake yet not in control of my thoughts, instead just observing and feeling.
In the dream, my sister was showing me the inside of her skin, like opening up her body, and everything inside her body was GLOWING WHITE. She said, "This happened to me as I was washed clean and welcomed into the loving embrace of heaven." Then she showed me what the inside of her being looked like before this transformation; it was all black and sticky like tar. She said, "Amy, you can clean out your soul now on earth. You do not have to wait until heaven to glow in holiness."
I sat with that for a long time, reflecting on the black tar vs. the glowing white light and reflecting on the invitation to be fully holy now while on earth.
What if that was what Jesus was teaching us during the Transfiguration of Our Lord?
"And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light." Matthew 17:2
The mission of Jesus was to forge a path for all human beings. An invitation to be transfigured in heart, mind, soul, and body and resurrected as Jesus was into pure divine humanity — a way to live this life in physical form, yet completely united in God.
Are we, as His faithful children, ready to receive the fullness of what JESUS offered everyone?
Are we ready to be transfigured by grace into complete divine light and love?
Imagine yourself as one of the Apostles in the upper room. Now imagine Jesus saying to you, "I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." John 14:20
Jesus anoints with the Holy Spirit and tells us to go forth and do greater things!
Are we ready to believe that not only do we receive the Holy Spirit, but that it lives within our hearts and that we are made in the likeness and image of God?
We are called by name to go forth and be a beacon of God's light for the world?
Let's say, "YES!"
Today we celebrate the Transfiguration of Jesus. The day that Jesus became pure light and remained a living, breathing human being.
Yes, He is the Word made Flesh. He is GOD made Man. We are all created in the image of GOD. Jesus came to embody this truth fully and show us the way to true HOLINESS. He destroyed death by rising again. He teaches us all that through His resurrection, we are a people of LIGHT and of LIFE, not a people of death.
Imagine for just one moment that we can touch upon this truth and grace of heaven and stay steady within it. We do not need to die to feel the grace of heaven.
Together we are called to live on earth as it is in heaven and to build His Kingdom. Maybe just maybe, that means we simply need to BE STILL in the depth of God's LOVE and create every action from the center of His Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Pray with me:
Lord Jesus, lend me your heart so that I may feel the enormity of your love. Grant me the ability to Be Still in your light and flood me with your grace. Come Holy Spirit, come now... Lord, consume in me anything that prevents me from being consumed by you. Fill me up, teach me to rest in your arms, show me how to live each day according to your Holy will. Allow me to move forth only through you … make me a Holy vessel of your pure love. In the most Holy name of Jesus Christ, I pray, AMEN.
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner