Why we are Reminded of St. Benedict on Labor Day

I imagine how each one of us is listed in St. Peter's large book at the gates of heaven, it doesn't matter our occupations here on earth; God calls us all to be the best version of the person He made us to be… He calls us all to get up each day and try and try again… He calls us all to sainthood.
St. Benedict: Ora et Labora
Feast Day: July 11 Occupation: Saint
It is not My Saint My Hero that chose St. Benedict; he chose us! It was his medal that our founder Amy D'Ambra's spiritual director handed her while on pilgrimage in Medjugorje and St. Benedict made sure that was his medal that the women of Medjugorje would weave into our original Blessing Bracelets.
St. Benedict laid the groundwork and the inspiration for Ora et Labora (prayer & work) at My Saint My Hero. Prayer is a simple conversation (in relationship) with God. There are good practices & habits in prayer, but there is no right or wrong way to pray, for it's as unique as the person practicing it. The important thing is to actually pray. St. Benedict taught us to make all we do an act of prayer. He also made it one of his rules that his brothers prayed in community EVERY day to maintain brotherhood and peace.
We invite you to take an experiment in prayer: at home, in your car, and in your work. Start with just one simple prayer together every day in your home as a family, and say one simple prayer before you start each day at work. Remember to also experiment in praying for those with who you've shared your Wearable Blessings. Take a leap of faith and let us know what changes you notice.
Before the pandemic, each day at noon we prayed the Angelus as a team in our office. We have continued our tradition, including not only those team members who are now working remotely, but also you, our community of prayer! Please join us each weekday at 12:00 pm PST on our @mysaintmyhero Instagram Live and pray with us.