If you’re interested in a simple thing you can do every day to get holier this Lent. We’ve got a suggestion from the man Padre Pio called a living Saint. Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo, the famed author of the bestselling book the Afterlife was a mystic and contemporary of St. Pio. His secret to holiness was his daily prayer of surrender to Jesus. Each day he would pray:
"O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything!" (10 times)
It was this prayer that inspired St. Padre Pio to say, “Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry.” Jesus spoke with Fr. Dolindo, giving him a novena to calm our troubled hearts. Here’s an excerpt: “Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true blind, complete surrender to Me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.”
This novena is a sure path to drawing close to Jesus and placing everything under his care. To help you on your path of surrender, we have the surrender bracelet with ten knots for each time you are to pray, “O Jesus, I surrender myself to you…” and a tag with the word “faith”, to help us hold on to our faith during difficult times.
In addition, we have beautiful novena cards featuring the Surrender Novena with the words of our Lord to Fr. Dolindo. Order these cards to give to family and friends this Lent.
With these helpful tools you can turn to our Lord and trust that Jesus will take care of everything.
— Catholic.Store