The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Love

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Love

Today we celebrate all mothers! We are blessed to share with you one of the chapters from Mother Mary, Mother Me.  

“‘I am the mother of fairest love, of reverence, of knowledge, and of holy hope’” is an expression “found in the Vulgate text of Sirach 24: 24” (Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Vol. 1, 2012, p. 253).

Personal Story

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Love, wrap me in your mantle of compassion and wisdom. Teach me to love with a pure heart. There are days when I feel overwhelmed with the adventures of motherhood, and I run to you, my Mother Mary!

I remember when I was a young mother and facing the first few weeks of motherhood. Those days were the toughest. Between the lack of sleep and the change in emotions, it all began to get to me. My daughter was just a month old and had trouble sleeping. I tried comforting her in every way. I was so overwhelmed, I immediately sat there and started crying with her. I noticed a rosary near her crib. I asked for Our Mother’s intercession as I prayed each bead. While praying the third Joyful Mystery, I began reflecting on the birth of Our Lord, and I wondered how Mary felt. She had the compassion to give the world her only Son in a stable. The love for her child would outweigh the traditional birth scene. I held my daughter so tight. I had never felt so much love. By the time I finished the rosary, there was a sense of patience and compassion that came over me. I continue to ask Mother Mary’s intercession for patience. Mother Mary did not fail her Son. In times of stress and doubt, Mother Mary brings my intentions to Jesus. She brings comfort and guidance to me. Just as Mary knelt at the foot of the cross, I too understand how a mother’s love is unconditional, even at the most heart-wrenching times. I am not alone in motherhood. Mother Mary walks alongside me. She teaches me to have patience, compassion, and motherly love. She brings my prayers and doubts to her Son.

Closing Prayer

Jesus, thank you for giving me the gift of your mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Love. Your love for Your mother inspires me. Mama Mary, move me to love my daughter unconditionally, even in times of doubt. Amen

Mother Mary, Move Me

Sometimes, we need to remember that we are not perfect. We have to stop, take a deep breath, and ask for Our Mother Mary to wrap us in her mantle of patience and compassion, just as she swaddled Jesus in the manger. Recall when you swaddled your baby as a newborn. Journal how it made you feel as you mothered your baby. Share a picture with your child today of when they were little and how it makes you feel as a mother.

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