The Blessing of Peace

Today Lord, I pray for the blessing of peace. Guide me as I begin to let go of my worries, pressures, and anxieties. Help my spirit to be still. I spend so much time trying to figure things out on my own, that I forget to be quiet and listen for you. God of peace, push away chaos and replace my worry with trust. Allow me to sit for a moment in your arms Lord, as my distractions disappear, so that I may feel your presence in the beating of my heart.
Philippians 4:7
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Touch your Blessing Bracelet and transfer your worries onto the heart of Christ. Say each worry aloud followed by, “I surrender this to you, grant me your peace.”
1.As I find myself becoming stressed and overwhelmed throughout my day, how might I remind myself of the peace of knowing that my God is with me at every moment.
2. How can I intentionally carry the peace of Christ into my interactions today?