TogetHER We Are Beauty

Dear Women, Mothers, Grandmothers, Wives, Sisters, Friends… togetHER we are beauty, we are harmony, and we are the love that weaves us together and propels us forward. PINK conveys this power within HER… we as women care about the future of our country because we desperately want to leave the world in a better place for our children; it is in our maternal nature to nurture, care and guide forward. We see the future every day in our children’s eyes.
My friend Liuba Grechen Shirley made history when she successfully petitioned the Federal Election Commission to let her use campaign cash for child care. She received criticism for being a mother of young children running for Congress. Still, she argued, we need mothers of young children representing us in political office from school board to Congress and beyond.
I believe no one cares more about the future of our country than mothers because we desperately want to leave the world in a better place for our children. We see the future every day in our children’s eyes.
Liuba did not win her congressional race, but in creating Vote Mama Foundation, she is laying down the groundwork to open the door for other mothers to run, win, and pass effective policies that help families.
Mothers of minor children comprise an all-but-unexplored research population that is critical to understand, not just as a subpopulation of women but as a distinct population in its own right that is integral to a well-functioning government and to achieving gender equity in politics. Vote Mama Foundation is the only organization tracking the number of mothers with young children serving in state legislatures throughout the country and has produced the only publicly available dataset of the full demographics of all women and nonbinary state legislators in the U.S. —Caitlin McHugh Stamos
Like the color Power Pink, may we always be seen, be bold in our words and actions, be bright with intellect and joy, be passionate and empathetic in all we do.
Wear the Power Pink Bracelet in support of women with children who want to represent us in political office, from school board to Congress and beyond. Let’s see childcare as a common part of care, let’s envision a future in which a woman with a child is an asset to the job and not a deficit that needs to be explained. Together let’s be the voice that reminds culture that being a woman with a child is POWER PINK.
A percentage of every sale of this bracelet goes to support Vote Mama Foundation. Their mission is to is to achieve gender equity by:
- Breaking the barriers moms face when running for office
- Normalizing moms of young children running for office
- Advocating for policies that allow working families to thrive