We Were Not Created to be Alone

Alone. Disconnected. Unseen. In a fragmented, frantic world, that is how we too often feel. But we were not created that way. We were created for deep relationships — to be connected, seen, and known. As the Book of Genesis puts it: “It is not good for the man to be alone…” We are meant for companionship and connection — to love and be loved, as only spouses can. These bracelets can remind you of that, and help that happen.
At the center of the bracelet is a Benedictine cross, a prayer for protection and grace embodied in a mini-sculpture. God created us, with all our needs and yearnings, and only a spousal relationship, centered on God, can flourish to the full. The five stones on either side of the cross stand for yourself and your beloved. You each share an equal dignity, and together, you image God himself in this world. The numeral ten, in biblical tradition, stands for completeness. Look at the bracelet, feel it on your wrist, touch each bead, and pray for each other and for your union. Touch each gemstone and be comforted, because you know you are not alone, disconnected, or unseen. — Father John Bartunek, LC, ThD RCSpirituality.org