Why the Rosary is Like a Tether to Heaven

Mother Mary, mother me.
Mary abides with us in prayer. When we approach Mary, she approaches us.
That is why I love meeting her in the rosary.
When we hold each bead of the rosary and pray, we open ourselves to two beautiful invitations of either meditative or contemplative prayer. The spiritual intention of praying the rosary is to experience contemplative prayer, but if I am totally honest, the repetition can catch me in a rhythm and I don’t always arrive there!
Yet, there are those moments when the mantra of reciting opens me to the unbelievable little graces. I reach ecstatic emotion and become in the presence of God. Holy Spirit meets my “gut” feeling… and that is where I know my truth.
Since the rosary is a sacramental, it helps to ground me. It is exactly why the rosary is like a tether to heaven.
While praying the rosary one Wednesday evening, a name kept coming up in prayer.
I finished praying and knew I needed to connect with this person. It was quite clear I was to send this person a rosary. I didn’t know why at the time…but I instantly decided to send my MSMH Olive Wood Medjugorje Rosary to her.
A few days later I received this letter….
I can't even begin to express my gratitude for the rosary you gave me!
I thought I had pulled myself together enough to write this email, but I'm still very moved.
This meant so much to me and I'll share the story with you!
When I was young, my parents went on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, and when they were there, my Dad's rosary turned to gold. My Dad and I would pray the rosary together every night before bed, using that same rosary, and I remember I would pretend to be asleep because I didn't want to pray the rosary because it was "so long" haha! Little did I know, those were some of the best memories! When I was 24, my Dad passed away in an unexpected explosion at his home. His rosary was really the only thing I wanted, and I cherish it and have it hanging on his picture in my family room.
A few years ago, my mom was diagnosed with kidney cancer and underwent surgery at NIH in Maryland. I ended up flying out there the day of her surgery and met her when she was out of surgery. I made sure to take my Dad's rosary. I don't know why, but I did. There was a 1% chance of things going wrong during recovery, and my Mom happened to be that 1%- lucky her! She had to undergo multiple surgeries to save her life, and it was during one of them, I remember praying the rosary and asking God to save her. Although she ended up losing one of her kidneys, she survived! The tumors on her other kidney have shrunk, and she is now able to spread out her appointments! So, needless to say, when I read your card and saw this gift you gave me and read it was handcrafted in Medjugorje, I immediately started crying! I am beyond words and I can't even begin to explain the feeling that flooded my heart! It's amazing the miracles that can happen when we listen to God. We bless others, and for that, you have truly blessed me! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will forever be grateful! I am placing it on the other side of my Dad's picture. THANK YOU! I'm so glad you listened to your gut, You are such a gift!
Thank you Adina for sharing this story. As we celebrate October, the Month of the Holy Rosary, together we link our hearts to each other. Mother Mary, pray for us!