How to Be the Light in Today's World

Be the Light
Sometimes unsolicited thoughts pop into my head and travel to my heart, and I feel this sense that God is talking to me. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does, I try to take notice and listen. The thoughts do not come to me in church or when I am on my knees in prayer. Sometimes/most times, they pop in when I am in the shower or gardening or shoveling horse poop! Yep, that is true!
I had a God moment the other day while gardening, and it came in like a flash… BE THE LIGHT. I will share with you now the rest of the thoughts that continued to pop into my soul. I share with you not because I know something more than you know but simply to remind you of what I was reminded. We are all called to BE THE LIGHT right now! “Be the light in the dark world. Allow your faith to burn so brightly that it illuminates and ignites the person next to you. We need you now to anchor the beams of light and love from heaven. The legions of angels and saints are here now, the veil is very thin, and all we need to do is be a beacon for the Holy Spirit to anchor and illuminate. Allow your faith to be the burning flame to add light to the dark world. Arise, awaken, illuminate, and ignite... simply by saying ‘YES’ to the Holy Spirit. Say, ‘YES, God, use me now to be an instrument of your peace, an instrument of your love, and channel of your light.’ The minute you say this, you give the holy saints and holy angels permission to flood you with love and light and truly spark the person next to you, even if you don’t know that person or know that it is happening. The holy saints and angels will use you as a physical beam of light to activate another and start a ripple of love.”
They (when I say “they,” I am referring to the company of heaven that talks to our heart through thoughts and prayer) went on to say... “You claim every step you take, every place you enter, and everywhere you go for something. Chose to claim it for GOD! Chose to claim every step for the Holy Spirit. Actively proclaim every action for Christ. This is how we walk in union. This is how we claim the world on Earth as it is in heaven.”
There is no room for lukewarm—for passive living. It is time to stand up and claim the love that we are, and that is accessible to us through our soul connection to God and all there is. Be the light of the world. Be a beacon of all that is true, good, and beautiful. Claim who YOU ALREADY ARE! In the amazing words of St. Catherine of Siena, “If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.”
Right now, I give you permission to BE THE LIGHT. I see you. I thank you. I love you! AMEN. — Amy D'Ambra