Why We Are Thankful For You Every Day

(pre-pandemic photo — we can’t wait to be together again!)
“This is not the year to get everything we want. This is the year to appreciate everything we have.”
We appreciate each and every one of you! Together we rise as one heart sharing joy, hope, and peace in a time of unprecedented global crisis. Together we can lift one another up and remind each other that we are never alone, that we are loved exactly as we are, and that a NEW DAY is dawning. My Saint My Hero has been able to keep global communities weaving and earning a living by creating Wearable Blessings… and that is a HUGE THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
2020 has been a year of unknowns and every day, when we walked into our office and saw a continuum of orders, we literally got down on our knees in gratitude! THANK YOU. When all of you chose to wear My Saint My Hero and share a blessing with a friend, a colleague, your local hero, or barista... THANK YOU. When you chose to share gratitude by sending hundreds of Gratitude Bracelets to hospital workers and first responders… THANK YOU. When you chose to support a loved one on their path to healing by sharing matching Blessing Bracelets… THANK YOU. To all of you who sent in prayer requests and joined in our daily live prayer at noon on Instagram… THANK YOU. When you simply wanted to send a note to a friend and remind them to “dance through the storm” or send a Prayer Partner Bracelet along with your note of encouragement… THANK YOU. And when you gave us the honor of writing that note for you as we sent off a blessing of LOVE… THANK YOU!
You have shown up for us this year, you have shown up for the world, and you continue to anchor LIGHT and share LOVE… THANK YOU! Together we are HOPE, together we are JOY, and together we are GRATEFUL!
Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving, We appreciate you!!!
Love, My Saint My Hero Office Staff (Amy, Ellie, Ada, Adel, Andrew, Marisa, Paige, Denise, Pecko) My Saint My Hero Customer Care (Betty) My Saint My Hero Fulfillment (Daniel, Claudia, Manny, and Team) My Saint My Hero Marketing and Social Media (Julie, Kelly, Caroline) My Saint My Hero Product Development (David) My Saint My Hero Boutique (Erica, Margie, Sophia, Gianna, Kaitlyn)