Wishing you Health, Holiness, and Happiness

“I wish you Health, Holiness, and Happiness!” My spiritual director said this to me as I was leaving his office, and I immediately felt a rush of God’s grace flood my entire being. Imagine if we could simply send a blessing out to someone, and their heart be flooded with love. Imagine if your words became someone’s prayer. Imagine if you could see God in everyone. Imagine if you see God in yourself. This is possible! We are called to see God in others and see God in ourselves. We are called to beLOVED and to Love others. We are blessed abundantly by blessing others. I thank you for choosing to WEAR and SHARE The Gift of a Blessing as it is a tangible way to share a blessing with a friend. My Saint My Hero is a community linked together through the love of prayer and blessings. I sometimes imagine each of us as little lights, lighting up around the globe and linking to one another, creating a blanket of light — that is God’s love over our world. This blanket of light grows brighter and brighter with all of our prayers… our Individual and collective prayers igniting more light and sharing more of God’s love. It all starts with YOU! As you share blessings with others, you become part of God’s love for the whole world. You are a vital part in God’s divine plan.
The other day I received a text message from someone I had just met, “Amy, I had no idea that you are part of the blessing bracelet company! I have been buying these bracelets for over 8 years, and I wear mine all the time! I have loved getting these bracelets for people. They have always felt special and allowed me to feel like I was giving something helpful, with love, prayers, and power to someone in the midst of real battles in their lives. I want you to know that My Saint My Hero has been a real blessing to many people I care about and me. It gave me a way to share a blessing with those I love… thank you”. This text message brought me to tears… this is our WHY, and you are a blessing for others. You are the light of the world. Merry and Blessed Christmas,
—Amy D’Ambra MSMH Founder/Co-Owner