Miraculous - A Medal That Changed the World

In 1830, Our Blessed Mother appeared to St. Catherine Labouré in her convent chapel on Rue de Bac in Paris. During a second vision four months later, Our Blessed Mother appeared to Catherine standing on a globe as her feet crushed a snake beneath her. She was surrounded by the shape of an oval medal, and rays of light came from her hands. Around the shape were the words, "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." Catherine heard a voice say, "Have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for those who wear it with confidence." The vision continued, and the "medal" turned. On the other side was the letter "M" under a cross, with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This image was surrounded by twelve stars.
With a specific number of stars around the back, the sacred symbols, and the words in Latin, Catherine was instructed to have this medal made and that all who wore this medal would receive ABUNDANT GRACES!
St. Catherine set about to follow Our Blessed Mother's instructions, and by 1832 the first ten medals were made. After that, people began to wear the medal and witness miracles in their lives. By St. Catherine's death in 1876, more than one billion medals had been created and worn. To this day, the Miraculous Medal is worn by many who continue to share stories of the miracles they witness.
I recently met a Catholic radio host who was wearing a large Miraculous Mary Medal around his neck. He shared with me that many people have been converted from non-believers to believers just by looking at the medal and asking questions; the medal was a conduit of "great graces."
Another recent story I heard was regarding our My Saint My Hero Miraculous Blessing Bracelet. A woman was suffering large, potentially cancerous tumors around her ovaries and uterus. She and her family wore the Miraculous Blessing Bracelets as a reminder to pray for her health condition and miraculous healing. One day in the doctor's office, during an attempt to break apart the tumors, her Miraculous Blessing Bracelet broke off, and all the ten medals went scattered all over the exam room floor. At the same exact time that the Miraculous Mary Medals scattered, so did all of the pieces of the tumors; the tumors began to break up and scatter. She was healed in that moment.
The original Miraculous Mary Medal was made by a small medal maker in Lourdes, France. That manufacturer still makes the medals and provides them to the Chapel of the Miraculous Medal on Rue de Bac, where St. Catherine got the call to make the medal.
We are honored to work with the same company that created and continues to create the ORIGINAL Miraculous Mary Medal. Our Miracles Miraculous Mary Charm Bracelet and our Lourdes Miraculous Mary Necklace incorporate these very special medals from France. Wearing the Miraculous Mary Medal is a touchpoint into the heart of Jesus from where all true, good, and beautiful miracles flow. May you be blessed.
–Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner