The Most Incredible Blessing in a Marriage Ceremony… THE NUPTIAL BLESSINGS

Looking through these photos of my daughter’s wedding, I am struck with so much emotion! It was an amazing day filled with sacred and holy moments.
One of my favorite parts of the day was the Mass, watching them kneel at the altar, kneeling in front of Jesus as we all blessed them with our prayers and our love.
The Catholic Wedding Mass is filled with tradition and sealed with a HOLY blessing!
This Holy Blessing is called the NUPTIAL BLESSING.
The Nuptial Blessing happens right after the Our Father and before the Sign of Peace, the community is invited to remain standing, and the bride and groom are invited to kneel before the altar.
Looking through these photos of my daughter’s wedding I am struck with so much emotion! It was an amazing day filled with sacred and holy moments.
One of my favorite parts of the day was the Mass, watching them kneel at the altar, kneeling in front of Jesus as we all blessed them with our prayers and our love.
The Catholic Wedding Mass is filled with tradition and sealed with a HOLY blessing!
This Holy Blessing is called the NUPTUAL BLESSING. The NUPTUAL BLESSING happens right after the Our Father and before the Sign of Peace, the community is invited to remain standing, and the bride and groom are invited to kneel before the altar.
The community is asked to extend their hands over the bride and groom to bestow a blessing. The priest asks God for a special blessing upon the bride that she may emulate biblical women whose praises are sung throughout the scriptures.
May her husband entrust his heart to her, consider her his equal, and realize she is the joint heir to a life of grace.
May the Holy Spirit be the seal of their covenant, the ever-available source of their love, and the strength to renew their fidelity. AMEN
The Holy Spirit floods the place... and in this amazing state of grace, the couple is invited to kneel before Jesus and simply take a moment to pray together.
After the exchange of the rings, there is a pause as their marriage is ratified.
Usually, a song is sung, and the couple is invited to take a breath and pray.
The couple may also go over to the tabernacle and kneel in front of Jesus and pray or bring flowers to Our Lady and pray.
Thank you for letting me share some of my favorite moments in a Holy Matrimony!
Wishing you all strength in your marriages, hope in your vocations, love in your engagements, joy in your dating, and blessings on your wedding day.
With love and prayer,
—Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner