Wear This Medal of Protection at all Times

“Wear this medal of protection at all times.”
Those were the words that Father John Bartunek said as he handed me a little Ziplock bag filled with round Benedictine Cross Medals. From that day forward I began to learn the importance of the St. Benedict Medal as one of the strongest symbols of protection known in the Christian World — AND they date back to the year 490 AD!!! That is a heck of a long time and we still use them today to clear all spaces of anything unlike love. In fact, every Pope asks for the Benedictine Medal Cross to be carried into the room before they enter in order to enlighten the space and claim it for the Holy Spirit.
This Benedictine Medal became the featured piece used in most of our blessing bracelets and truly launched My Saint My Hero. The crazy thing is that we named our bracelets "Blessing Bracelets" because that is what Fr. John did when he handed me the medals, he blessed me in the name of Jesus Christ. Later we realized that the word Benedictine actually means BLESSING — one more affirmation that we were on the right path.
The other day a priest and good friend of My Saint My Hero called and asked for a bag of our St. Benedict medals. When I asked why he needed them, he said he wanted to put them in the foundation of his Norbertine Abby as they were pouring the concrete. He wanted to make sure that the entire foundation was claimed for Christ and this Benedictine Medal is a symbol that anchors that claim. That very priest is the same Father who told me to make sure that my children always carried or wore the Benedictine Cross of Protection.
Since our first blessing bracelet, we have distributed over 2 million! Think about the number of spaces, places, and people blessed through this! Every single bracelet is made with LOVE AND PRAYER. Many people ask if they are blessed, my answer is, "Yes of course they are blessed by all the amazing women weaving and by our daily prayers at MSMH." However My Saint My Hero Wearable Blessings are not “officially” blessed, that is something that needs to be done by your favorite priest, deacon or pastor.
We added the Sterling Silver Benedictine Blessing Bracelet to our collection as a special bracelet to be given to someone who wants to wear this bracelet always and never take it off. My husband and I gave each other the Sterling Silver Blessing Bracelet on our 25th wedding anniversary. Though we have worn it day in and out for 5 years (this year we celebrated our 30th Anniversary!), our bracelets are still as shiny as the first day we put them on.
The Sterling Silver Benedictine Blessing Bracelet is my go-to gift for that special occasion and that special person, it is infused with protection, with love, and with prayer and it will last forever. —Amy D'Ambra/MSMH Founder and Co-Owner
Read More About the Benedictine Medal HERE
St. Benedict Feast Day - July 11th